Friday, May 8, 2009

Interview Update

My interview on Wednesday went very well. Thanks to the prayers I was calm and felt a sense of confidence. For someone who is normally a very anxious person under pressure, it was pretty amazing.

The clinic has nurses whom are hired by the state and some hired by the county. The job itself is exactly the same, same pay only the state benefits are a little better. I was interviewing for the vacant state position.

I received a call from the hiring manager that night. She told me she had intended on hiring me, but that a nurse their in a county position decided she wanted the state one. Since she is internal they have to give it to her.

The good news is that now her county position is available. They will have to post the position and then interview again. I will not have to actually go for another interview. So if it's God's will I will get the county position.

I've done what I feel is my part and now it is up to God. I am thankful that I can leave it there and be at peace with it.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A New Job if it be God's Will

Let me start today by catching some of you up on my recent career changes and introducing them to some of my new friends.

I was very blessed ten years ago to receive a degree in nursing. I worked Labor and Delivery for a few years then went to Postpartum and Nursery with occasional shifts in L&D to help out. In September of 2006 I accepted a management position in L&D, not knowing that a few months later I would meet Eric and relocate.

I loved working as a nurse especially in the OB field. Management was quite an eye opener and a 24 hrs job. I don't know that I would do it again but I'm thankful for the great experience I received from it.

I moved to a Nashville hospital when we married. It was very similar to the unit I had worked on for years in Chattanooga. I became more and more unsettled in this job and was experiencing a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. This led to my decision to leave the hospital.

Before leaving I began online classes and soon received my state insurance license. It was very interesting and I really enjoyed it. The relief of not going to the hospital was amazing. Just after the first of the year when the economy worsened it became obvious that nobody was buying insurance.

In February I received a call from Eric saying that their Administrative Assistant had quit without a notice. My wheels were turning and I told him I would do it. Now I am no Administrative Assistant and I made that clear, but I can answer phones and do some computer work. His manager said be here after lunch and so I was. It was supposed to be for 2 weeks and well 10 weeks later I'm still here.

I believe with all my heart God placed me here. I have had the opportunity to work for a Christian man who delights in the fact that I do my Bible reading as soon as I get to work. I am also thankful that I have had that opportunity.

Now to get to the point. (I know it took a while) Tomorrow I have an interview at a local health department. It would be a great job with really good benefits and of course they are closed for every holiday and no weekends.

Please pray for me tomorrow at 10am as I interview. Please pray that I will get this job if it is God's will. I have tried too many times to do things in my will and I want this if it is in his will.
If it doesn't happen then I know for now I can continue doing what I'm doing .

Thank you for praying for me!

This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 1 John 5:14

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Hayden!!

I can't believe Hayden Tilley is 14 years old today. I remember being at the hospital waiting on him to be born and thinking he would never get here. Sure enough the doc had to go get him.

We loved the little crazy haired fat baby boy. He was almost 10 lbs which is so funny if you know him now. One of my favorite memories is when he was laying on the changing table and almost pee'd (or may have no one knows for sure) in his paw paw's coffee cup. Of course the funniest was the look on his paw paw's face as he looked in his cup and then went to pour it out!

Hayden has entertained us often over the years, mostly with his preaching. He would stand on the hearth at his maw maw's house and preach away! The best of all is when we were at the lake house and he was outside preaching to Lillie:

Leslie: Lillie come on we've got to go.
Hayden: (preaching, never stopped his sermon, look at Leslie and said) She ain't going with ya "praise God". ..

...and went right back to preaching! It is one of the many things I wish we would have had on video. Unfortunately Hayden never would let us film the preaching.

He has grown up to be such a sweet guy. We praised God for his salvation only a short time ago and we know God will someday use his talents.

Hayden loves sports, hunting, and music and is good at them all. He is very gifted.

Hayden, I love you and I am very proud of you. Continue to follow God in all you do and always put him first.