Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Kaleb!!

Kaleb Matthew Jackson is 11 years old today. Kaleb is my step-son and is a great kid. After raising two girls, I wasn't sure how I would do with a son. It is very different, but Kaleb is really good and not as rowdy as a lot of boys.

Baseball is Kaleb's favorite sport to play. His team is practising and getting ready for the new season. Last year his 9 & 10 year old team won 1st place in their league. It was very exciting!

Kaleb loves the Tennessee Titans. He has been fortunate to go to several games when they have been playing here in Nashville. Professional wrestling is probably his favorite thing right now. This is the one thing we don't agree on. I hate it. He knows he has to watch that in his room.

Last night we had a birthday party at our local Mexican restaurant. All his family was there as well as some friends. He enjoyed opening his many presents and eating the baseball cupcakes Amanda made for him. His cake choice was white cake with white icing and the New York Yankees symbol. Amanda did a great job on that as usual.

This weekend he is having a friend over for the night. This is a first for me. I have had many, many little girls to spend the night over the years. I can handle the silly giggles. I'm not sure what to do with two boys. I quess I will find out! Pray for me!

Happy birthday Kaleb, love you!

Leigh Anne

P.S. I changed my back ground in honor of Kaleb. He would hate being on PINK!


  1. Happy Birthday Kaleb! I would think a couple of boys would be a breeze after giggly girly parties! When I was pregnant with Carter, b4 I knew what he was, I was "trapped" in a public bathroom with a bus load of reeeally giggly cheerleaders, I knew I was going for a sonogram the next day and I just silently prayed, "Lord, only you know if I can handle this kind of giggling"...the next day I found out it was a boy...LOL! As for Lilah, so far she's probably more rowdy than Carter, so I think I'm safe there too!

  2. Happy Birthday Kaleb! I agree with Deedra. Most boys are low maintenace, so maybe his sleepover will be no trouble for you!


  4. Happy Birthday Kaleb! I have one of each and could deal with the boys much better than the giggling girls although both are fun! Good Luck!

  5. Happy Birthday Kaleb! I have one of each too, but so far, my boy is much more trying than my girl!

  6. Would you please email me as to Why you were in the position to be reading the settings of a machine that scans

  7. Thank u 4 all the happy bdays, love kaleb

  8. Happy Birthday Kaleb!

    You read about how my boy likes baseball. I have two sons & wouldnt know how to raise girls.

    Have a blessed week!
